July 21, 2012

Strawberry Nails

I have been on a little nail art kick lately. 
I saw Strawberry Nails on Pinterest, and decided to give it a try.
I love the results. So summery and fun!

What you will need:

Pinkish red nail polish
Scotch tape
Pinking shears
Green nail polish
White or black nail polish
Top coat clear nail polish

1. Start with reddish pink nails:

2. Use pinking shears to cut of a short piece of Scotch tape and adhere to your nail:

3. Paint the tips of the nail with a generous coat of green polish and immediately remove the tape:

4. With a toothpick, angle and dip it into white or black nail polish and dot onto the pinkish red part of the nail. These will be the "strawberry seeds":

5. Finish with a top coat and you're done!

I find that the white nail polish looks more like strawberries, and the black makes them look like watermelons. Either way, I really like them.

What are your thoughts? =)