I transformed my old skirt into a "new" dress for Boo!
Find an existing dress with a cut and style you like, and lay it on top of your skirt.
Draw or eyeball the sides of the dress. Pin along the line, with a 3/4 to 1 inch allowance:
Sew on along the lines that you just pinned with a straight stitch. I used a 3.5 stitch length on my sewing machine.
Then cut the sides as close to the stitch as possible. Save the fabric to use for the straps of the dress!
Turn the dress inside out, and sew along the sides again, enclosing the raw edge inside. I believe this is called a French Seam, and I used this technique often. Click here for more photos and details.
Measure the length of the straps needed, add 3/4 to 1 inch allowance on the tops and bottoms, and cut. Turn each strap inside out, and decide whether to cut the straps into equal widths or leave them tapered as they are.
Then sew or serge on the long sides:
Turn the straps right side out, sew or serge the ends of the straps.
Then sew them to the top of the skirt with a straight stitch. Is it now a dress!
Good luck!