May 25, 2011

Re-usable Snack Bags

I went to my local fabric store and saw some cute oil cloth prints. I like oil cloths because they are wipeable and won't unravel. I lined the inside with the same fabric and I must say, I'm liking it! This is my first attempt, so I will post a complete tutorial when I sew the next one. I have an great idea to make regular cotton blend fabric into a wipeable material, and I hope it works!  
Because of the oil cloth fabric, it is thicker and tends to be a bit creates air bubbles.  So be aware when sewing that some air will get trapped between the layers, as you can see in the picture below. But is still cute and very practical/functional. It also looks better in real life...these pictures don't do it justice. =)

Here are the basics: You will need two piece of oil cloth measuring 7" x 16".  I took a bowl and rounded one of the shorter edge on both pieces. Pin fabric wrong sides together, so the right side faces you. Sew with a straight stitch with an increased stitch length all the way around. Sew the velcro on. Fold the shorter straight edge up to a 1 or 2 inches below the start of the rounded edge. Pin the sides and sew with a zig zag stitch. I went around it twice with upholstery thread.

To sew the velcro on easier, I used regular Scotch tape to tape it down. After sewing it in place, simply peel the pieces of tape off:

Good luck!

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