November 03, 2010


It took me a long time to get a hold of nursing a baby in PUBLIC. It was perfectly fine at home, with my rocking chair, pillows and my beloved Boppy. In public, it was a nightmare. There really is no way to lug around all my "necessities", so I had to think of something quick. I couldn't do without a pillow support of some kind.  I had panic attacks every time we left the house. It it hard because the baby never took a bottle.

One day, I was doing through a closet and saw a big, deluxe traveling neck pillow.  I remember buying that a few years ago for a trip to Houston. It even vibrates! It was really thick, just like the Boppy....then it hit me. I can make a travel mini Boppy!

All I needed was to make a cover.  I bought the least expensive Boppy cover from Babies R Us (~$10) and altered it to fit.  It worked like a charm; I even had the zipper part working.  Since then, nursing in public was much easier because I can tote this little pillow around.

Here is the Mini Boppy on the left, and regular Boppy on the right:

When Boo was about 5 months old, I found this inflatable nursing pillow by GR8X (but in green and white stripes).  I love it as well! So I have this in my husband's car, and the other in my car.

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